Welcome to this blog that shows how enterprising the city of Hull's young people are. The blog will feature up-dates about the work of the Hull Youth Enterprise Partnership and its support for Global Entrepreneurship Week.

Tuesday 3 April 2012

Children make their £5 blossom - Round 7

Hull’s premier primary enterprise programme sponsored by KC, St Stephen’s Centre and the Co-operative Group Make £5 Blossom will be holding its 7th celebration event in April. 11 local Primary Schools will get the opportunity to showcase their business and enterprise skills when they gather for the Make £5 Blossom celebration event at The Guildhall on the 25th of April. Each of the schools involved have linked up with a range of local businesses that have provided support a £150 loan for the children to run their own mini business for the past few months. The range of ideas the children have come with have been fantastic with them having fashion shows, art galleries, scone and bun sales and children even running their own school discos and a French cafés.

Under this scheme, local businesses are being given the chance to invest in the future of young people. The project works through an initial investment of just £150 for a class of 30 pupils to encourage children to develop business plans, launch ideas and create products, all the time the project is running they get to you use an abundance of enterprising skills such as creativity, financial literacy and design and marketing.

KC for instance have linked with St Richards in East Hull the company provided the pupils with the financial loan and has supported the children throughout.

Anna Millar Community Relations Manager at KC , said

“It has been amazing to see how the children have come up with great ideas and then actually put them into practice. I have enjoyed meeting the children and trying to help them where we could, and it is great to see them enlisting support from local from members of Hull's business community like KC”.

Steven Bayes Director Co-operative Group said

“The Co-operative family of businesses are pleased to support Hull’s £5 Blossom scheme, so far our the Co-op Bank in Hull, and our James Reckitt Avenue and Preston Road stores have got involved and it has been a wonderful opportunity for our staff. As a movement we are committed to enabling young people to make to be given a wide range of opportunities and this programme certainly does that As the pupils decide what they sell, where they sell it and to whom, before checking the profits and presenting their final results, they also learn the importance of making ethical decisions which is integral to our philosophy as a company.”

Mike Notarantonio, Hull Ready Project Officer said:

“We are trying to create an enterprising culture in Hull and what better way to start than allowing our Primary school children the chance learn new and build on existing skills while they work alongside real businesses. As well as all the enterprise skills used, the children will also use numeracy and literacy for a real reason during this and then get a say on what any profit they make on their project is used for”

Further Information about £5 Blossom

1) Schools and the businesses involved are Paisley, Claughtons, Mountbatten, Hallmark Solicitors, Griffin, Sign Services, Elloughton, St Stephens, Wendy Baarda Catering, Judsons, St Richards, KC, Prory, NPS, Gillshill, Primarytec, St Nicholas’, Hull University, Westcott, Primarytec, Neasden, Ale Cool Clothing, Victorias Dock, Sewells

2) Website www.hullready.co.uk

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