Welcome to this blog that shows how enterprising the city of Hull's young people are. The blog will feature up-dates about the work of the Hull Youth Enterprise Partnership and its support for Global Entrepreneurship Week.

Wednesday 2 November 2016

Global Entrepreneurship Week - Hull 2016

The ninth Global Entrepreneurship Week (GEW) takes place from 14 to 20 November and Hull will host five major events to inspire the next generation of entrepreneurs in the city. 

GEW is the largest celebration of innovation and enterprise and will see entrepreneurs, researchers, investors and policymakers celebrate entrepreneurship across more than 160 countries. This year the themes focus on women, youth, investors, cities and scale-ups. During the week, 10 million people are expected to participate in one of the over 30,000 activities taking place. 

Hull City Council, in partnership with Hull Youth Enterprise Partnership, have organised five major events to inspire, connect and engage the next generation of entrepreneurs in Hull. 

The city will host former BBC Apprentice stars Adam Corbally, Ruth Badger and Claire Young, Andy Pickles of Jive Bunny and Tidy Boys fame, and Antony Chesworth of EKM Systems, as well as young entrepreneurs Kit Hargreaves, Johnny Wootton and Louis Deane. Ross Bennett MD of Engaging Education will be the MC, and Hull's very own Gold Man will also be involved. 

Hull is putting its weight behind GEW in order to show how enterprising its young people are and throughout November the city will host over 40 events and activities relating to entrepreneurship across many of our schools and colleges. 

Councillor Martin Mancey, Portfolio Holder for Energy City said: 

"Global Entrepreneurship Week is all about how small ideas can take root and become viable business plans, with the potential to grow into sustainable companies. We hope to set an aspirational agenda for today's young people in the city to set up their own businesses, start social enterprises, improve their communities and become innovative employees themselves. 

"The council and its partners are already supporting its enterprising young people through a number of schemes including the award winning John Cracknell Youth Enterprise Bank, the Badgers Sett Enterprise Challenge, £5 Blossom, MC4C programme for young people who are NEETS and the Lee Creamer Youth Enterprise Club." 

Neale Harrison RB R&D project manager said: 

"Global Entrepreneurship Week is a great opportunity for younger people to apply their knowledge to create and innovative in a fun way but with a business or commercial context. As one of the largest local employers, RB is fully supportive of developing these skills within the local area." 

Tim Rix, Chairman of the Green Port Growth Programme, said: 

"The primary aim of the Green Port Growth Programme is to help businesses in Hull and the East Riding access opportunities in the renewables supply chain. A lot of people we work with are talented entrepreneurs, so it made sense for us to support our next generation by sponsoring GEW events in Hull. 

"The event is a great way to inspire young, enterprising talent and, with our region's emerging renewables sector growing all the time, we hope to see some innovative ideas for energy businesses." 

For more information about the activities and the week ahead visit www.gewhull.co.uk check out @GEW_Hull and Hashtag #GEW2016Hull

Events in Hull 

Monday - The launch of Make £5 Blossom in the Guildhall with 14 schools from across the age range receiving loans of £150 from 14 businesses. Over a three month period the young people will undertake a range of activities and learn about the Big 13 Enterprise Skills. At the end of the period the profits will be split between the school, the Be Enterprising Group and Action Duchenne which is this year's charity. 

Tuesday - With the support of KC, international links will be the focus of the day and those involved in the youth enterprise agenda in Hull will be holding a Google Hangout with colleagues in South Africa via The Hook up Dinner based in Johannesburg. It will feature a number of young entrepreneurs including those who went to South Africa from the city in August. 

Wednesday - There will be a Post 16 Enterprise Masterclass with Ruth Badger and Antony Chesworth of EKM Systems heading up the judges, who will be examining the results of a group activity to come up with a new design and a marketing campaign for a new Caravan for the Swift Group. The judges will then decide who will walk off with a cash prize for best design and pitch. 

Thursday - The Secondary Enterprise Masterclass will take place which will see young people taking on the task of designing a new interactive classroom for the Sangwin Group and delivering a pitch to Adam Corbally (former BBC Apprentice) and colleagues, including Andy Pickles of Jive Bunny fame. 

Friday - Primary school pupils taking part in the "Hull Our City and the Mail at the Heart of it" event at the Guildhall will be developing a story relating to 10 great things about Hull for the Hull Daily Mail website alongside reporters and staff at Hull Daily Mail. Watching closely and available to support young people on the day will be senior executives of Hull Daily Mail, former BBC Apprentice star Claire Young and Andy Train, The Gold Man. 

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