Welcome to this blog that shows how enterprising the city of Hull's young people are. The blog will feature up-dates about the work of the Hull Youth Enterprise Partnership and its support for Global Entrepreneurship Week.

Monday, 11 November 2013

The City Plan and Enterprising Teachers

Hull faces some big issues and challenges – but now has a once-in-a-generation opportunity to regain its status as a dynamic and thriving European port-city.

The developing City Plan is about tackling these issues and seizing this opportunity. It’s about bringing the whole of Hull together to set out -

• a clear goal and ambitions for the city over the next 10 years

• what needs to happen, when it will be delivered and who’s involved

• how the lives and opportunities of local people will be improved as the plan is delivered

• what it will mean for the city as a whole and wider region

Therefore it has set up a group for education practitioners across Hull who want to ‘Be Enterprising’, to come together and share their fantastic ideas – inspiring our future generations and helping to embed the Big 13 Enterprise skills into all our young people’s lives and is supported by the Regeneration and Partnerships Team of Hull City Council. It is Chaired by Stephen Logan Assistant Headteacher of Malet Lambert School.

A key focus of this group is the promotion of The Big 13 - 13 enterprise entitlements devised to cover the spectrum of entrepreneurial skills through the curriculum that were developed with partners in Rotherham. The Big 13 are a range of enterprise skills and capabilities that are utilised during, and the outcome of, good quality enterprise learning. They were devised through the award winning enterprise education programme, Rotherham Ready, which now operates nationally as a not-for-profit social enterprise Ready Unlimited. A key part of the Ready Unlimited approach is to make learning about and applying enterprise capabilities part of children’s enterprise learning entitlement.

• Team Work

• Risk

• Negotiating and Influencing

• Effective Communication

• Creativity and Innovation

• Positive Attitude

• Initiative

• Organising and Planning

• Problem Solving

• Leadership

• Making Ethical Decisions

• Financial Literacy

• Product and Service Design

So far 135 Teacher have registered as members. Thee have been 2 meetings so far with 52 teachers attending. CPD session booked for January and March 2013. This is a group for enterprising teachers to develop their network of like minded people and also encourage an enterprise culture. It has also commissioned a DVD featuring 13 businesses and four schools showing how they use the Big 13 Enterprise Skills. The meetings saw teachers to start developing new curriculum materials linked to the Big 13 Enterprise Skills that will be shared across all educational phases also each teacher has been given £50 from the John Cracknell Youth Enterprise Bank in order to make it grow within their schools with the profits split between the individual schools and the Be Enterprising group in order to commission new enterprise education materials linked to the City Plan.

The CPD sessions for 25 teachers each time will feature young entrepreneurs who set up whilst at school and young people from primary schools who have achieved the Warwick University National Standard in Enterprise Education in order to show how important is that teachers use the 13 enterprise skills in order to develop young people with a range of enterprise skills and want to be young entrepreneurs of the future as well as enterprising students and employees of the future.

8 secondary schools 48 primary schools and 3 special schools are members along with 4 training providers. In Hull 62 businesses and organisation support the enterprise skills agenda ranging from national companies such as the Co-operative to young entrepreneurs such as Thomas Arran Photography who has received support from the City’s youth enterprise bank which also supports enterprise within schools such as Loui Fowler and the Green Queens who are at Malet Lambert School.



Twitter: @Hullsented

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