Welcome to this blog that shows how enterprising the city of Hull's young people are. The blog will feature up-dates about the work of the Hull Youth Enterprise Partnership and its support for Global Entrepreneurship Week.

Wednesday, 1 November 2017

10th Anniversary Global Entrepreneurship Week in Hull

The 10th Global Entrepreneurship Week (GEW) takes place from 13 to 17 November and Hull will host seven major events to inspire the next generation of entrepreneurs in the city. Hull will also be the launch of the national campaign for Global Entrepreneurship Week as it celebrates its 10th Anniversary.

Hull City Council, in partnership with Hull Youth Enterprise Partnership, have organised seven major events to inspire, connect and engage the next generation of entrepreneurs in Hull. The city will host former BBC  Adam Corbally and Antony Chesworth of founder EKM Systems, as well as young entrepreneurs Aaron Conroy of Fenburg who use to be homeless, Eve Lodge of Get Barmy Bunting who is still at University and  Evie Sharp of Peaches & Dreams who runs her children’s clothing business from home. Ross Bennett MD of Engaging Education will be the MC.

Global Entrepreneurship Week in Hull will be sponsored by a number of small and large private, public and charitable organisations including: Sangwin Group, Hull City Council, John Cracknell Youth Enterprise Bank, RB, Primary TEC, Future Works Yorkshire, Hull College, University of Hull Two Ridings Community Foundation, Hull Training, Swift Group, KCOM, Green Port, University of Hull, Hull Humber Chamber of Commerce, GH Events, Engaging Education, T Arran Photography, Humber LEP, Oak Consult, Hull College and Future Works Yorkshire and DLB Events.

Hull is putting its weight behind GEW for the tenth year and are proud to be the host city for the launch of Global Entrepreneurship Week in order to show how enterprising its young people are and throughout November the city will host over 20 events and activities relating to entrepreneurship across many of our schools and colleges.

Councillor Martin Mancey, Portfolio Holder for Energy City said:

"Global Entrepreneurship Week is all about how small ideas can take root and become viable business plans, with the potential to grow into sustainable companies. We hope to set an aspirational agenda for today's young people in the city to set up their own businesses, start social enterprises, improve their communities and become innovative employees themselves.

"The council and its partners are delighted that it will be part of the national launch of Global Entrepreneurship Week and are very pleased to be supporting its enterprising young people through a number of schemes including the award winning John Cracknell Youth Enterprise Bank, the Badgers Sett Enterprise Challenge, £5 Blossom, MC4C programme for young people and the Lee Creamer Youth Enterprise Club." 

Ewan Gaffney Managing Director of GEN UK and GEW UK.

This November, the Global Entrepreneurship Week celebrates its tenth anniversary, over the 10 years Hull has played a significant part in these celebrations and that is why this year as the UK’s Most Enterprising Place 2017 and the fact that it’s the City of Culture – Hull’s first event of the week will be the official launch of Global Entrepreneurship Week 2017
This year GEW also sees the official launch of the Global Entrepreneurship Network (GENUK) – a brand new platform and group of initiatives to help the UK enterprise ecosystem take advantage of this vast network of opportunity and bring the full power of the world’s preeminent entrepreneurship community to bear in support of the UK economy and Hull is taking advantage of that by been invited to the Start up Nations Summit in Estonia.

For more information about the activities and the week ahead visit www.gewhull.co.uk check out @GEW_Hull and Hashtag #GEW2017 #GEWGo

Further Information

In 2005 the UK hosted the very first Enterprise Week and gave life to a movement that would sweep the world and Hull was part of that .  In 2007 18 nations joined the UK in committing to host a simultaneous celebration of entrepreneurship each November. By 2008, host organisations in 77 countries had officially signed on—and 3 million people participated in 25,022 events and activities. Today the GEW campaign is the centrepiece of a sophisticated and comprehensive effort to connect people and resources together to create new opportunities and power a unique, open source ecosystem platform, called the Global Entrepreneurship Network (GEN).
GEN engages entrepreneurs, investors, policymakers, researchers, support organizations and others collaborating to advance economic growth and innovation in more than 170 countries around the world.  GEN UK is geared towards collaboration and impact at scale and is designed to help better understand, connect and grow the UK’s small business ecosystem
 At the most fundamental level, GENUK links entrepreneurs and the institutions which support them together. Once established, GENUK connects this unified ecosystem to an international peer community operating at the cutting edge of ecosystem development. GENUK is about creating jobs and strengthening economic stability at a global and national and community level. – More on that in a later, longer post.
This November Roughly 35,000 events and competitions will take place during #GEW2017—connecting millions of participants to potential collaborators, mentors, and even investors. Dozens of world leaders on every continent and a network of more than 15,000 partner organizations support the initiative every year – in the UK we’re expanding our Compass Partners network.
Global Entrepreneurship Week provides a perfect opportunity for UK business to expand their reach to new audiences from all parts of their ecosystem and foster connections and resources at the global level.
#GEW2017 #GEWGo will be November 13-19

Events in Hull in Global Entrepreneurship Week.

Monday 13th November Make £5 Blossom event where 16 schools will meet up with 16 businesses in order to start a three month programme in which young people receive a loan of £150 from their business partner and get the chance to make it grow through a range of money making activities. This event will also be part of the national launch of Global Entrepreneurship Week. At the end of the period the profits made from business loans will be split between the school and Action Duchenne which is this year's charity.

Tuesday 14th November  sponsored by KCOM this event will be a Google Hangout with Hull’s partners the Hook up Dinner in Johannesburg  South Africa, at this small event young entrepreneurs from Hull and those that support them will get the chance to talk to colleagues about the different and similar challenges they face in South Africa,, we try to make this as interactive as possible.

Tuesday 14th November - #THUDYorkshire at this event five young people wanting to go into business will pitch to an invited audience for investment in their business from the John Cracknell Youth Enterprise Bank of up to £500 and from the audience itself.

Wednesday 15th November - Post 16 Event, this will involve 200 young people from a range of colleges and schools, as well as apprentice providers with former BBC Apprentice Adam Corbally and young entrepreneurs at this event. At this event the young people will be set a business challenge around developing a new caravan for the Swift Group. The young people will be competing for prizes ranging from £100 to £250 for their teams.

Thursday 16th November - Secondary School Event, 9:30am till 3pm including lunch. This will involve 200 young people from a range of colleges and schools as well as apprentice providers with former BBC Apprentice Adam Corbally, Antony Chesworth Founder of EKM Systems. At this event the young people will be set a business challenge around developing an event at KCOM Craven Park for the Sangwin Group. The young people will be competing for prizes ranging from £100 to £250 for their teams.

Friday 17th November Primary Event 9:30am till 2:30pm. This will involve 200 young people from primary schools, at this event the young people will take part in a challenge focusing on KCOM Craven Park as a central venue – exploring innovative ideas and uses. The young people will be competing for prizes ranging from £100 to £250 for their teams.

Friday 17th November - Annual Celebration and Awards Evening at KCOM Craven Park in which 10 youth enterprise awards including The Maxwell Bird Most Enterprising School, the  Kevin McNamara Most Enterprising Teacher and the Sheila Waudby Young Entrepreneur of the Year will be given out by the Lord Mayor of Hull and Chair Ryedale Council with Emma Hardy MP and all funds raised at the evening will go to Action Duchenne.